Friday, March 7, 2008

those years of experience ...

Everything points to Obama winning the nomination.
He is clearly the people's choice.

Hillary talks about 35 years of experience.(shared with Bill)
She supported NAFTA, strongly opposed by supporters of Ross Perot and other Democrats.

She headed the task force for universal health care, a Clinton failure. This was during the time the party still held a majority of the house and senate.

Under the Clinton team, the Democratic party lost control of both houses in Congress for the first time in 40 years.

During the second term we had Monica Lewinsky, a problem that lead to the senate voting to impeach Bill. Hillary said it was all a "vast right wing conspiracy"

Some believe the Monica distraction combined with the continued unresolved problems in Iraq set us up for an event like 911. Remember Operation Desert Fox.
911 took place early in the Bush term.

Hillary needs to open her records and clarify some of the events that took place during her period of experience.

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