memories of Monica
Bill Clinton did put Bush in the oval office.
People voted for Bush to put as much distance as possible from that administration.
Hillary's tears worked in New Hampshire. I'm thinking Monica must have shed a few tears and I wonder if the 'clintons" ever apologized to her.
I say "clintons" because it seems that they are such a team we don't get one without the other. Monica probably believed Bill's promises.
How can so many women fall for the clinton promises again ?
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"How can so many women fall new
"How can so many women fall for the clinton promises again ?"
For the same reason so many people fell for Reagan's bullshit;IT SOUNDS GOOD TO THEM. You can attract a lot more files with shit than you can with honey. The American public,a vast majority of them anyway,never,ever want to hear the truth if the truth might in some way be painful.
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