Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hillary's big NAFTA story

Canada PM vows probe into leaked memo assailing Obama
2 hours ago
OTTAWA (AFP) — Canada on Wednesday announced a probe into the "blatantly unfair" and possibly illegal leaking of a government memo that cast aspersions on US Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.
"We will take every step necessary to get to the bottom of this. The leak of this kind of information for whatever reason by whomever is completely unacceptable to the government of Canada," Prime Minister Stephen Harper said. "In fact, it may well be illegal."
"It is not useful, it is not in the interests of the government of Canada, and the way the leak was executed was blatantly unfair to Senator Obama and his campaign," he told the House of Commons.
"We will make sure that every legal and every investigative technique necessary is undertaken to find out who exactly is behind this."

I think this is called passive-agressive behavior. Hillary reaped the full benefit of this story planted last week. She even told Obama that he should fire the person in his campaign that spoke to the Canadian official.
But, maybe, in the end, it's the voters fault. To hear this sort of "breaking news" and vote before checking the source is so foolish. If she wins the nomination, they'll get no more than they deserve.

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